Travel Buds

BB or Brown Bear is my fearless traveling companion who never says,

“Hilary, we can’t”  or  “I’m nervous” or “this is stupid”

rather she’s game (and lucky for me I have many people like this in my life).  However, I am including her first as she is the first traveler since starting this blog.  BB gained her name after a 4 day, high sierra backpack with two other pals and 3 unsuspecting strangers and a guide.  We hiked for miles with heavy packs and encountered some unexpected weather conditions (think massive snowpack and solar composting toilets) and during those long hikes we allowed BB to take center stage.  She became The Mr. Bill (Mr. Bill Safety – YouTube) of our conversation.  Headlamp (more on her later), Lancome (much more on her later) and I would discuss if we dressed E up in a bear costume and placed her on the highway; how long would she last dodging traffic as in Frogger (Frogger – YouTube).  We laughed for many miles.  Then, the idea of wrapping little Brown Bear  in bubblewrap and sending off a waterfall sent us into hysterics (it may have been the altitude, but I tend to doubt it).  How much bubble wrap?  What kind of tape should we use to secure the bubble wrap?  On and on, we laughed until we reached Yosemite Calley.   The trip was a great success and the stories (if perhaps embellished) continue to this day.  So, when Headlamp called me and said

“Hilary Happy National Bubblewrap Day”

I was overjoyed and had to celebrate.  Luckily, BB and gang were willing to celebrate.  The following video shows the willingness and nuttiness of friends who have spent too much time with 60 lbs packs on their backs.


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